1. Register at link
  2. Fill in all relevant details
  3. Remember to search for your DD name. If you cannot find your dd name please provide us with your dd name by filling in the blank space at (DD name)
  4. If you are a DD, please search your own name for DD name (if you cannot find your name, please self fill up)
  5. Please provide and double check correct details before checking out by clicking register
  6. After you clicked register, ECVI website your redirect you to the payment page
  7. Make payment of RM51.50 (RM 50.00 Annual Subscription + RM1.50 Processing Fee = RM 51.50 Total)
  8. After you have make payment please check whether there is an invoice sent to your email that you registered with.
  9. Just in case that you have trouble making payment, please screenshot and keep for reference
  10. Scenarios are:
    1. Payment deducted yet no receipt (please print screen the transaction at your own bank transaction history for reference)
    2. Payment processing but receive receipt (please keep the receipt)
    3. Register but error and when you registered again email stated registered
      (Please screenshot the registration page stating the msg )
  11. Husband and wife. Two phones two account. same with two people two 极光手册
  1. After registration, ECVI will then verify that wheteher you are a legit ECVI ABO through your DD
  2. DD and Above will receive msg from ECVI ADMIN to verify your team and you (DD please cooperate in order for a smoother process )
  3. Username and Password will be granted access after VERIFICATION (not on the spot)
  4. EVA will be available to download by Dec 15th. If everything is ahead or behind schedule, we will notify everyone again